Friday, October 04, 2013


Before I get started on this, I want to give a shout out to everyone who offered a kind word, funds to help with travel expenses, meals for Mama and Chris, and hugs.  Even those hugs that came across the interwebs!

Tragedy struck my family Monday, September 23, 2013.

My mother, after not hearing from my step-father over the weekend, tried to contact him.  Walley, being a long-distance truck driver, usually spoke to my mother everyday or every other day.  When she could not locate him, she contacted his company.  They informed her that he missed dropping his load Friday.  Now, anyone that knows Walley knows that he does not miss dropping or picking up loads.  He had been late dropping or picking up, but never a no-show.  This is when my mother knew something horrible was wrong.

About 5:30 pm, the Garden City Police and Chaplain visited Mama to give the news.   Walley was found in the sleeper section of his truck in Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Backtracking, when Mama last spoke to Walley he was not feeling well and contributed it to heartburn from a meatball sub he had eaten earlier that night.  However, he would not share where exactly he was located. Mama thinks he knew she would call someone to check on him.  Later that day, he texted a friend to let him know he was feeling better but coughing up some blood.  The text information we did not get until after the friend was contacted Monday in search of Walley.

Monday evening, I began making arrangements to leave Tuesday to be with my mother in Savannah.

Upon arrival, I learn the timeline of things that happened: the text, him not feeling well, etc.  Mama had already been informed by someone (still not sure who) that Walley would be kept in Oregon for an autopsy. Once Oregon completed the autopsy, he would need to be embalmed at a funeral home to cross state lines, and then he would be flown to Arkansas where his mother's family has a cemetery plot.  Each day I was there, we would try to get in touch with Oregon and would never hear back from anyone in the state medical examiner's office.  His transportation kept being put off and put off.  By Thursday, I finally spoke with the funeral home in Arkansas.  They were informed by the funeral home in Oregon that the flight could not be booked until Monday and that Arkansas would not be receiving his body until Monday or Tuesday of the following week.

At this point Mama is going crazy sitting in the house fielding phone calls from everyone every five minutes and a house full of people in and out.  I convince her to come back to Atlanta with me to visit with Ian and Catherine and to give herself some space to breathe.  We arrive in Atlanta late Friday evening.

The following day I let Mama sleep in for a while.  Ian had a soccer game, and Mark needed to see his mama, Miss Mary.  Later that day we all met up with friends Suzy and Jaime to get some lunch.  At lunch I receive a phone call from Walley's sister.  The Arkansas funeral home has now received information from Oregon that Walley will not arrive until Tuesday or Wednesday.  Of course this puts Mama over the deep end.  She needs closure. She needs to mourn the loss and say goodbye to her husband.  At this point, no one from the family has spoken with the funeral home that has Walley in Oregon.  I take it upon myself to call Arkansas and ask for that information.  When I call the funeral home in Arkansas, Gayla says she has been on the phone with them for several days trying to get Walley home.  On her last call with them, she says she argued with whomever she spoke with about getting him to Arkansas.

I call Eternal Hills Funeral Home in Klamath Falls, Oregon.  I spoke with a pleasant young man named Zach. He assured me that Walley was booked for a flight out of Portland Tuesday morning and would be arriving in Arkansas Tuesday evening.  He explained that since Walley was a deceased body that would be traveling in the luggage compartment, he is considered commercial shipping.  He then explained that none of the airlines do commercial shipping over the weekends and all of the Monday flights were booked.   I have not been able to confirm this information.  At this point, we plan to leave from Atlanta Monday morning to arrive in Arkansas that evening.  Mama and Walley's sister would be able to meet with the funeral home to make any arrangements before he arrives Tuesday evening.  We would have the visitation Wednesday and funeral Thursday.

We leave Atlanta right before noon Monday morning.  Right as we get into Alabama on I-20 I receive a phone call from Eternal Hills needing information for Walley's death certificate.  After speaking with Cheryl about the information, I ask to confirm his arrival into Arkansas.  I was promptly forwarded to Tim, who informed me that Walley's flight would be leaving Oregon THURSDAY!  WTF!  Keeping myself composed yet firm, I asked him why all the feet dragging.  He says that the Arkansas funeral home said we did not care when the services were.  He also said the ticket was cheaper Thursday.  WTF!  At this point, I had already spoken with the Arkansas funeral home several times over the last few days and knew they had been calling Oregon over and over again wanting to know when Walley would be arriving.  I quickly told Tim that he was misinformed or misunderstood, and that Walley needed to be in Arkansas immediately.  We had a wife, a sister, children, and a mother that could not start healing until they were able to say goodbye.  His body should have already been in Arkansas.   Needless to say, Tim miraculously found a flight out of Portland MONDAY.  Really?  And you couldn't do this before I showed my butt?

A big hug goes out to Traci Garland who caravaned with us to Arkansas.  For the Monday trip it was Chris and I and Mama and Traci.  Sandy and Steve brought Jake up Tuesday.

Mama, Renee (Walley's sister) and I met with the funeral director in Arkansas Tuesday morning.  He quickly let us know that his driver already had Walley and was in route to the funeral home.  He apologized profusely for the funeral home in Oregon.  It was then that we find out that Eternal Hills became upset that Bryan Funeral Home (Arkansas) would not purchase a casket for Walley in Oregon.  Bryan FH explained to them that the family needs to pick out a casket in person.  It was not a decision that needed to be made 2,000 miles away.

The visitation occurred Wednesday evening and the funeral Thursday morning, almost two weeks after his death.  Let me say here, a family should never have to wait this long to say goodbye.  Healing can only start once we say goodbye.  We all went through the gambit of emotions.  It wasn't until after the funeral that we find out that Walley was never autopsied.  WHAT??  Why did we have to wait so long?? No wonder no one from the Oregon State Medical Examiner's office returned my calls.  They had no idea who I was talking about.  Now it looks like this Oregon funeral home held his body hostage because they were not going to make any money from it. Now, here is the kicker, they billed Mama more than the funeral home in Arkansas!  The funeral home in Arkansas has now filled a complaint with the funeral board in Oregon, and they are disputing the charges on Mama's behalf.  At this point, we do not know when he died or why he died.  And we will never know.

I spent the last two weeks watching a son and a wife grieve the loss of a father and husband.  Yes, he was Chris' father.  Chris has more memories of Walley than he does our Daddy.  He was only 8 when Daddy had his stroke.  Walley loved the three of us like we were his own.  He was our father.  With Mark's dad gone and my dad gone, Walley was the only grandfather Ian ever knew.  He was the only steady grandfather in Jake and Shelby's lives.  I spoke with my niece Shelby several times and on each occasion she would break down crying for her Grandpa Walley.  And even though Catherine has grandpa Jackson and grandpa Steinberg, no one will ever replace Grandpa Walley in her eyes.  At the funeral I watched a son and daughters, a wife, a sister, a mother, a grandchild, a niece and a nephew bury a father, husband, brother, son, grandpa, and uncle, at the young age of 49.

We love you, Walley.  You will be greatly missed.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Wow.  It has been over a year since I have been here, but now I am back.  It is my goal to blog at least once a month to try and get myself back on track with so many things.

The things I need to work on:

1.  Health and weight loss - I have had major regain.  There I have said it.  Yes, it is obvious in my looks and clothes.  The positive is I have only regained about 55 pounds of the 125 that I lost.   Reasons for my regain vary.  I have found that the stuff that is good for you to eat is very difficult to eat and can be painful at times.  The bad stuff is quite easy to eat.  I had 2 miscarriages last year and regained about 15-20 pounds with each one.  After the 2nd one, I completely quit focusing on exercising.

I currently have a membership to LA Fitness and need to actually use it.  I also have equipment in the basement that I should be utilizing.

So here is my plan.  My first goal is to workout at least 3 times a week for the next 3 weeks.  Once I hit that goal, I will move it up to four times a week for four weeks, etc.  For healthy eating, my plan is to just start writing everything down.

2.  Removing stress - My major stress factor is my career, teaching.  I am currently teaching a very difficult group of students in a grade level that I never really enjoyed teaching when I taught it 12 years ago.  My administrators felt it necessary to move me for reasons that are unknown.  However, this is not an isolated incident, and staff morale is low.  I need to refocus on my students and find a way to enjoy teaching again.

My plan:  I have actually already started this part.  I have been looking online for different teaching techniques for difficult children.  When I say difficult, I do not mean in the learning sense.  These students have difficulty respecting others and their learning environment.  Do not get me wrong, I do have a good number of good students.  And all of my students have good traits.  There is a group of 7 or 8 students that make things a little difficult to teach the way I like to teach.   And with 7 or 8, it is quite difficult to separate them from the rest of the class.  I have some ideas to try when we return after the new year.

3.  Getting back to my business - Because of the stress coming from my workplace, I decided to close up shop temporarily.  Trying to build and decorate beautiful cakes for people is stressful enough.  Add in the stress from school, and I was a ticking time bomb.  The good thing that has happened?  Georgia now has a Cottage Food Law.  This means I could potentially bake and decorate from home without having a separate kitchen, as the previous law stated.  There is a hurdle.  My county still requires a grease trap for the sewer.  We, however, are on a septic.  I am hoping that this will allow an exception to the grease trap rule.  I will find out after the new year.  Being able to run my business from my home will take a lot of stress off of running my company.  I would not have to pay rent to the commercial kitchen.  I would not have to leave my family for hours on end to complete a project.  I would not have to carry all of my supplies back and forth from home to kitchen.  I would not have to clean up behind others.

Okay, I think this is a good start to becoming accountable to myself and the things that I need to do.  There is now a sticky note attached to my monitor that says "Blog by Sunday Jan 5." Let's see if the visual reminder  works!

Me and my little man, Christmas Eve

Me and my great nephew, Christmas Eve

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yes, I have been MIA...

at least for this blog I have been.  I have been spending a lot of time working on getting my company started as well as getting the school year started.

My weight loss has stalled completely.  My all time weight loss total was at one point 125 pounds.  I have had a 10 pound rebound at this point.  It is not the way I wanted it to be, but it is.  I continue to exercise, walking around the park or neighborhood, working out on the elliptical. etc.  My food choices could be a lot better, but I still have LOTS of restriction.  Reactive hypoglycemia is setting in as well.  This is a blood sugar drop if I eat a few too many carbs or do not balance my meal with enough protein.

My last set of labs looked great with the exception of B12.  I doubled up on those doses and all has been well.

That is my update for now.  New things to come in a few weeks!  I promise not to take so long in updating!

Monday, June 13, 2011


The last few months I have been extremely busy.  Unfortunately, weightloss has not been my most important thoughts of late.  I have mostly been working on my cake decorating business, Brenda Bakes.  No, this business does not lend itself to helping anyone that has had weight loss surgery.  But, I am in need of some balance.  I have been in a holding pattern with my weight, going up and down the same 10 pounds for the last few months.  I contribute that to the lack of exercise.  Once spring break came and went, I have not been back on my exercise routine.  However, I have been spending a lot of time at the pool with Ian and anyone else that wants to join us.

I had blood work done last Friday with my PCP.  That should come back in the next few days.  I have a feeling that my iron is tanked.  I keep forgetting to take it.  We will see what will come of that blood draw.

I am going to leave the post here and return later this week with some updated pictures and hopefully my lab results.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

March Madness!

And no, not the basketball type!  It has been a crazy month.  Most importantly, my little man turned 4 years old!  I cannot believe how fast they grow! 

I had a follow up with Dr. Macik after starting the appetite suppressants.   He was very pleased with my progress and lack of side effects.  I got down to 231 pounds.  He requested I continue the suppressants for 3 months.  I filled the prescription, but have not started taking them again.  I am trying to make sure I can do this on my own.  The bad luck is I had a pinched sciatic nerve flare up 2 weeks ago and the exercise stopped.  I am now riding up and down 5 pounds.  Today was my first morning back in the exercise groove.  Hopefully this will help keep the scale moving in the correct direction. 

One thing I have discovered.  Certain carbs are absolutely evil.  And I am beginning to wonder if it is the good carbs that cause me problems.  I can live without bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.  Fruits!  I love fruits!  I love fresh, delicious fruits!  I ate 10 Cuties (California Mandarins) two Mondays ago.  Of course that was about all I had the entire day.  They were so good!  And refreshing!  They are all I want to eat lately.  Those and apples and bananas.  I guess it could be worse.   Like, it could be a baking weekend.  Cake is my downfall.  I love cake.  I try to make sure when I am doing a cake for someone that I get it and all the leftovers out of the house as soon as possible. 

All in all I cannot complain.  Things have been going well.   I am patiently waiting for the weather to warm up so that I can get back to water aerobics. 

Sunday, February 06, 2011

One Year Post Op Visit

I needed some pink in my life which led to the change in the blog.  I reserve the right to change it back or leave it be!  :)

Let me say before I get started that the following information may be (well, yeah, it is) controversial in the weight loss world.  I contemplated not posting about it.  But it may help someone else who has made the same decision, feel better about their choice.  Or it may help someone else struggling, reach out to their surgeon or PCP.  It does carry a stigma to a certain degree.  However, as an informed and intelligent adult, I stand by my decision.

I went to see my surgeon this past Thursday for my one year checkup.  It was originally scheduled for December, but it ended up being rescheduled because of Dr. Macik's surgery schedule.  I have still been bouncing up and down the same 5 pounds for the last 4 months.  I also discussed with him and his nurse the fact that hunger is killing me.

Food is all I can think about.  It is very strange to go to support group or talk with others who have had the surgery and hear them talk about having to remember to eat.  I never lost my hunger.  Now, let me clarify.  I do not believe the hunger I am fighting is true hunger.  I believe it is all mouth and head hunger.  I have contemplated therapy on several occasions.  But I do not believe that I have an eating disorder because I was abused in some way during my childhood.  Yes, I had family issues growing up, but I do not believe those issues are why I eat.  I. LOVE. FOOD.  I love the way it tastes, smells, feels.  I enjoy it tremendously.  I do find that I graze around the kitchen when I am bored.  That seems to be the only pattern I can find.  If I'm depressed, which is not often at all, and not clinical, I sleep.  If I am angry, I yell and throw a fit.  If I am happy, I share it with the world.  I eat when I want food.  Not when I am overwhelmed with emotions.

Back to the appointment.  After discussing my hunger, the nurse asked if I wanted to try an appetite suppressant.  It was probably further than the last thing on my mind.  After hearing her out, I asked several questions and then she spoke with Macik.  He suggested it as well.  My biggest concerns, of course, are becoming chemically dependent and any side effects.  He and the nurse said there are times that a weight loss surgery patient will have a need for a kick start.  They made it clear it is NOT a long term solution.  It is strictly for two weeks only.  He believes that it will give me a chance to retrain my brain and convince it that it does not need food on a continuous basis.  I accepted the prescription, filled it, and came home and did some research before taking the first dose.  Come to find out, it is not uncommon for weight loss surgery patients to use it.  I am well aware of the side-effects, most not being seen unless the drug is taken long-term or if you already have cardiac or blood pressure issues.

I took the first dose Friday morning.  It is a once daily dose.  My pharmacist told me to make sure I take as early as possible in the morning.  I informed my partner teacher and school nurse just in case something happened during the day.  It did bring on a very jittery feeling throughout the day.  I was also VERY aware of my surroundings, especially sounds.  The most important thing was, it worked.  I did not think or obsess about food during the day.  I did have a very hard time sleeping deeply Friday night, but I do not know if that was the medicine still working that late.

Saturday, I had the jittery feeling again.  But I stayed busy all morning with exercising and cleaning.  I was able to not obsess about food.

Today, I did not have the jitters.  I was not as busy this evening as yesterday, but I was able to make good decisions about food.

The scale is back on the bottom end of those five pounds.  Hopefully, when I return to the doctor's office in two weeks, the scale will be back on the way down.  I do not want to mess this up.  I have lost almost 120 pounds.  That is a huge accomplishment.  But I do have a lot farther to go.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Hump Day Reflection

I think about food ALL of the TIME!!!  I just can't stop!  I haven't the foggiest clue as to why.  And it is not just about eating.  I think about how many calories I have taken in and how many calories I have burned, what can I do to maximize my caloric intake, how to get a better variety into my diet, logging in my food diary, etc.  Geesh!  It could be however, a form of procrastination.  I do have gifted endorsement work and papers to grade.  Neither of which I have any interest in doing at the moment. 

I did very well today limiting the simple carbs, well except for that fudgsicle I had just a few minutes ago.  It is a whopping 40 calories and was the best  fudgsicle I have ever had.  :)

Here is my menu:
Breakfast - Decaf coffee with splenda and no sugar added swiss miss cocoa (my own mocha latte!)
                  4 oz grilled chicken with 2 slices of 2% cheese
Lunch - Salad with grilled chicken
             Apples and yogurt
Afternoon Snack - Cheese
Dinner - Weight Watchers Taco Soup with parmesan
Evening Snack - Fudgsicle (There may be another one later this evening.)

My calorie intake was about 1700 calories. My calorie burn usually averages about 2500-2700 a day, depending on the exercise.  Today was about 20 minutes of the elliptical and 10 minutes of weights.